Ask an Expert! Parent Questions Answered.
Recently I had a client send me this question. The response is a little long, but I really enjoyed answering it. Please send me your...

Is this normal? - A guide to discussing differences between children
All people are different. Yet we compare ourselves to others all the time. It's not the healthiest of habits, especially when social...

RED FLAGS: What to look for at your next IEP meeting!
Look out for these red flags at your next IEP meeting! Pre-written IEP’s: Technically, IEP’s are NOT supposed to be pre-drafted. However,...

Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s): What Could Go Wrong?
The biggest problems with the Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) process are associated with implementation. I am a firm believer...

IEP's: What are they and why does my child need one?
IEP is an acronym for Individualized Education Program. Each student that qualifies for Special Education services is required to have a...

The ABC's of Behavior: Consequences (How to Handle a Tantrum) Part 3
The most important thing to keep in mind when we’re talking about consequences is that rewarding positive behavior is so much more...
The ABC's of Behavior (how to handle a tantrum) Part 2
The second installment of our 3-part ABC series addresses B-Behavior! Simply put, behaviors are the things we do. Think of behavior as a...

The ABC's of Behavior (How to handle a tantrum) Part 1
Antecedent: When my mother was asked how her three young kids, one with Downs Syndrome, were so well behaved, she summed up a whole...

Praise: How to maximize effectiveness of positive feedback
Self-efficacy vs. self-esteem: (ineffective use of praise) Administrators and profesional developers tell us all the time: "Studys show...

How do I get my kid to do homework? 5 Easy Tips!
5 tips to get your kid to do their homework: Structure! Structure! Structure! Structure! Structure! It’s no secret that not all students...